The most complete poster of the events of contemporary art St. Petersburg
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Cultural-educational space Ohta Lab

Cultural-educational space Ohta Lab

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Creative space 0+

Creative space 0+

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Creative space Lumiere Hall in St. Petersburg

Creative space Lumiere Hall in St. Petersburg

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Central library M. Y. Lermontov

Central library M. Y. Lermontov

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Children’s library

Children’s library

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Central Museum of soil science named after V. V. Dokuchaev

Central Museum of soil science named after V. V. Dokuchaev

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Central district library named after N. V. Gogol

Central district library named after N. V. Gogol

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Creative space Yarky Hostel & Space

Creative space Yarky Hostel & Space

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Creative space FISHEYE

Creative space FISHEYE

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Congress-hall Vasilievsky

Congress-hall Vasilievsky

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Cultural-exhibition center Eurasia

Cultural-exhibition center Eurasia

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Creative cluster of Artmuzа

Creative cluster of Artmuzа

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Creative association of curators TOK

Creative association of curators TOK

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Central Naval Museum

Central Naval Museum

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Center of art and music of the library of Mayakovsky

Center of art and music of the library of Mayakovsky

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Central Park of culture and rest named after S.M. Kirov

Central Park of culture and rest named after S.M. Kirov

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Creative space БМ50

Creative space БМ50

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Center of contemporary art by named of Sergey Kuryokhin

Center of contemporary art by named of Sergey Kuryokhin

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Creative space Weavers (TKACHI)

Creative space Weavers (TKACHI)

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Creative workshop Grandizz

Creative workshop Grandizz

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